At Langwarrin Preschool we believe that play is vital for children’s development. Play provides children with opportunities to cultivate many skills such as thinking and reasoning skills, foundation literacy and numeracy skills, negotiating and sharing skills, social and emotional competence, independence, resilience and fine and gross motor skills. We also believe that when children have a sense of safety and security and are valued as an individual, they feel supported and able to extend on their current knowledge and skills. This in turn fosters a positive view of their own identity and independence and increases self-confidence.
Educators at Langwarrin Preschool focus on creating a safe, stimulating, happy and healthy environment for all children. We do this through incorporating children’s interests, culture and background knowledge into an emergent curriculum so that the children are able to explore through open-ended play and self-discovery. We believe that through play, there are a wealth of learning opportunities which can be extended upon through intentional teaching and scaffolding. Staff use quality interactions, observations, assessments and reflections to assist them in providing a program that meets all children’s needs.
At Langwarrin Preschool we are committed to developing children’s understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, culture and histories, sustainability and how to care for our environment, celebrating diversity and differences, promoting positive social and emotional wellbeing and ensuring child safety standards are at the forefront of our practice. When educators, children, families and the community work together in a holistic approach to support each child’s sense of being, belonging and becoming, a strong foundation for a lifelong love of learning can be established. All staff members continuously build upon their current knowledge through ongoing study and professional development and are supported by a committed Committee of Management.